By the grace of Allāh Almighty, I discovered a matchless treatise that enlightens the understanding of numerous matters concerning Sunni doctrine and its methodology and protects one from the darkness of confusion, namely, Usūl al-Rashād li-Qam‘ Mabānī al-Fasād [Principles of Guidance to Uproot the Foundations of Corruption] by one of the most learned senior scholars of his time in the principles and branches of this wonderful religion, Muftī Naqī ‘Alī Khān (may Allāh Almighty sanctify his secret) - the father and teacher of one of Islam’s greatest revivers, A’lā Hazrat Imām Ahmad Razā Khān.
The original work was written in classical Urdu, Persian and Arabic and published approximately 137 years ago in 1881 in India and was republished in 2009 in Karachi. The purpose of the original text was to present an unadulterated and refined study of terms and rules of Islamic Law that were often misconstrued, misquoted and displaced in controversial narratives by anti-madhhabi authors.
The original Urdu text draws upon a wealth of Qur’ān, ahādith and statements of the salaf and righteous scholars and jurists to examine correct applications of rules and meanings to Islamic terms including shirk, tawhīd, bid‘ah and worship.
- Shaykh Monawwar Ateeq