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About Us

Assalamu ‘Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu.

As you may be aware, by the Grace of Almighty Allah, Al-Ihya Foundation (“ALIF”) has been founded to raise the standard of knowledge of the sacred sciences within the Ahlus Sunnah and safeguarding the Iman of the youth and future generations.

You will undoubtedly be aware of the very real need for us to improve in particular the standard of education our children receive being cognizant as to how far behind the Ahl al-Sunnah Wa al-Jam’ah are in terms of education.
There is need to create a network of Sunni English speaking ‘Ulama and Sunni professionals to enable us to work towards addressing the aforementioned needs.

Some of the proposed projects of ALIF are as follows:
1. Designing and implementing up-to-date and quality course materials (text books), syllabuses, and examinations for the Madaris/Islamic institutions.

2. To provide the wider community a wide range of online resources and books in various languages.
3. Write/translate relevant book(lets) for the wider Muslim community on various subjects.
4. Engage our Scholars more with the wider community (online Q&A, courses) by the professionals’ support and expertise.
5. Delivering short/long term courses around UK by our honourable Scholars (subjects such as, Aqeedah, Fiqh, Tajweed, Seerah and Tasawwuf)
6. Help develop post-Madrassa courses for students who have left the traditional Madrasah system (including creating “University Study Packs” for students starting universities).

The above list will give you an idea of what we have in mind, and we would be interested in hearing of any ideas you may have in this regard.

We are currently at the beginning stage and InshaAllah would welcome support and commitment – there is a role to be played by each and every one of us from technical religious input, web design, designing course material, specialist professional input, organising etc. It is very much intended to be an organisation by the people for the people.

If this is something you would like to learn more about, and participate in, would you be kind enough to email the following details:
• Full names
• Email and contact telephone
• Profession
• Areas of interests

Please can you can forward this email to other professionals to help us develop a wider network.

Jazakumullahu Ahsan al-Jaza

Al Ihya Foundation